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Solomon Exam Prep

Solomon Exam Prep has helped thousands of financial professionals pass their FINRA, MSRB, and NASAA Series 7, 6, 24, 26, 27, 28, 50, 51, 52, 53, 62, 63, 65, 66, 79, 82 and 99 exams.

Solomon’s study materials consist of exam study guides, online exam simulators, audiobooks, video lectures and workbooks and are designed to engage both the financial services novice and expert to ensure absorption of exam topics and application of those concepts within a testing environment. The authors of the materials and instructors of the courses bring a wealth of industry knowledge, as well as a deep understanding of adult learning strategies.

Solomon Exam Prep training materials are different: our study guides use plain English and humor to keep things interesting. The goal is to make sure candidates pass the test the first time.
Solomon Exam Prep is led by founders Karen and Jeremy Solomon, both of whom have maintained a lifelong commitment to advancing learning and education. Receive a 10% discount when you use the code, BDCA10

Citrix ShareFile

Citrix ShareFile helps businesses exchange files quickly, securely and professionally.

Citrix (NASDAQ: CTXS) is a leader in mobile workspaces, providing virtualization, mobility management, networking, and cloud services to enable new ways to work better. Citrix solutions power business mobility through secure, personal workspaces that provide people with instant access to apps, desktops, data and communications on any device, over any network and cloud. Learn more about Citrix solutions for small businesses and enterprises at

Global Relay

Global Relay is the leading provider of cloud-based electronic message archiving, supervision, and eDiscovery solutions for the global financial sector and other highly regulated industries. Global Relay delivers services to over 20,000 customers in 90 countries, including 22 of the top 25 banks. Global Relay Archive supports email, IM, Bloomberg®, Thomson Reuters, social media, mobile messaging, and more – with mobile, Outlook, and web access.

For more information about Global Relay, please visit:


Citrix ShareFile helps businesses exchange files quickly, securely and professionally.

Citrix (NASDAQ: CTXS) is a leader in mobile workspaces, providing virtualization, mobility management, networking, and cloud services to enable new ways to work better. Citrix solutions power business mobility through secure, personal workspaces that provide people with instant access to apps, desktops, data and communications on any device, over any network and cloud. Learn more about Citrix solutions for small businesses and enterprises at